NF 1000

Tube filling machine for plastic, laminate and aluminum tubes (1000 ppm)

Basic Info

  • TECHNOLOGY: Tube Filling
  • INDUSTRY: Home Care, Pharma & Healthcare, Personal Care, Food
  • SEGMENT: Other Home Care, OTC, Liquid Soaps, Cosmetics, Deodorants, Hair Care, Men's Shaving, Toothpaste, Skin & Sun Care, Oils & Fats, Spreads


​​​Secure your production for today - and tomorrow! With Norden NF-series you can double production, while using the same floorspace. From the control system Norden Easyware II™, you can control the entire NF–line, including the robots, from one operator panel. On the world's fastest tube filling machine, you have easy access to work stations all around the line for greater ease of observation, cleaning and maintenance. Not only can you nearly double production in roughly the same space, you can also choose between a wide range of filling techniques including 1, 2 and 3 colour filling.

Detailed Info

Machine depth (mm)3500
Machine height (mm)2200
Machine length (mm)6000
Machine weight (kg)20000
Product range
Max filling volume (ml)200
Min filling volume (ml)1
Regulatory requirements
Food RegulationsCFR Title 21, 1935/2004/EC, 2023/2006/E
Safety RegulationsEN ISO 13732-1, 2009/105/EC, 94/9/EC, 97/23/EC, EN ISO 10218-2, EN ISO 11161, EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 13849-1, EN ISO 13849-2, EN ISO 13850, EN ISO 13855, EN ISO 13857, EN ISO 14119, EN ISO 14122 -1 -2 -3 -4, EN ISO 4414, EN ISO 7010, EN 349, EN 415-4, EN 547-1 -2 -3, EN 614-1 -2, EN 619, EN 953, IEC 60204-1, IEC 60825-1, IEC/TS 62046, ISO/TR 14121-2, 2014/30/UE, 2006/42/EC, 2014/35/UE
Operating modeIntermittent
More Information
Other infoFilling & sealing tube diameter 16-40 mm. Tube lengths 80-230 mm up 1000 mm tpm. 1, 2 or 3 colors.
Packing range
Max pack diameter (mm)40
Min pack diameter (mm)16
Packaging range
Max pack length (mm)230
Min pack length (mm)80
Packaging features
Packaging materialAluminium - Laminated - Plastic
Packaging ShapeCylindrical - Oval
Value proposition
Value propositionBreakthrough innovation
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