NM 902

Tube filling machine for plastic, laminate and aluminum tubes (120 ppm)

Basic Info

  • TECHNOLOGY: Tube Filling
  • INDUSTRY: Food, Personal Care, Home Care, Chemicals, Pharma & Healthcare
  • SEGMENT: Sauces & Condiments, Spreads, Cosmetics, Deodorants, Men's Shaving, Other Home Care, Other Chemicals, Liquid Soaps, Toothpaste, Skin & Sun Care, OTC, Hair Care


​With clean and covered design – the NM902 is suitable for clean room production. Production of up to 100 tube/min as standard and 120 tpm as option. With you for the long run: The sturdy design makes the machine suitable for 24/7 production. The NM 902 can be fitted with a number of infeed systems, including semi-automatic infeed with storage capacity and complete with motorized sorting device, an ergonomic system for loading complete tube transport boxes at a convenient height for machine operators, and a robot tube loader that assures the best possible line efficiency and which is suitable for both small and large tube diameters, even most oval tubes.

Detailed Info

Machine depth (mm)1550
Machine height (mm)2115
Machine length (mm)2900
Machine weight (kg)3000
Product range
Max filling volume (ml)300
Min filling volume (ml)1
Operating modeIntermittent
More Information
Other infoDesigned for 24/7 production at 100 tpm, option 120 tpm. Suitable for clean room production.
Packing range
Max pack diameter (mm)50
Min pack diameter (mm)10
Packaging range
Max pack length (mm)250
Min pack length (mm)50
Packaging features
Packaging materialAluminium - Laminated - Plastic
Packaging ShapeCylindrical - Oval
Value proposition
Value propositionFlexibility